Dating Outside your Race / Culture

Are you OK with dating outside your race?

Is dating outside your race or culture an OK thing now? Has society accepted it? Or are people only pretending but inside their close nit group, they find it revolting and unnatural...

Comfort and Laughter - that's what it's all about
What makes it unnatural? Why is it that as soon as you're seen with someone of a different colour, you're automatically a freak show? People have to stop and stare. 

Maybe it's all in my head and people really are accepting of interracial couples. To be fair, I live in Canada so it's a million times easier for an interracial couple to survive with out the stares and whispers. 

I grew up in a country where at that time this wasn't accepted. I don't know if it's accepted now. A lot of it has to do with the politics in the country that I was born in but it's instilled in the adults who then ingrain it into their kids who then does the same thing to their kids and their kids, kids. 

I personally have never believed this even though my parents tried to imprint into me. I was friends with everyone in my class as a child and when I came to Canada, my whole world expanded. There's so many different cultures and races in Canada. It is truly a multicultural country, at least in the GTA area. 

Why should you limit your knowledge to only your culture? What makes your culture better than someone else? 
We are all human beings, we all bleed the same colour. 

Find you someone that has the strength to lift you up
It shouldn't matter what they look like or where they came from
Online dating and social media has made connecting with any and everyone so much easier, so why should you limit yourself? 

Some of you might say that you're not discriminatory against other cultures because you have lots of friends that are of different culture and race but yet, you're not willing to date outside.

I get it - there's a lot of outside voices and influences. You're afraid of your parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, neighbours, and even friends. 

  1. Don't date outside your race because you'll look cute
  2. Don't date outside your race because you'll have cute babies
  3. Don't date outside your race to get back at your family
  1. Date outside your race because you met the person who you want to be with; because you love them.  

The most natural thing to do is laugh -
My future will be filled with this because I chose who I wanted to be with
The thing that you have to think about though is - what's best for you! Are you going to give up on a great guy or girl just because you're afraid? Are you going to let outside people into your married life (even if they're family)? You shouldn't.

I've let outside people into my life - it's exhausting and draining! You won't be happy until you decide to take your life into your own hands. At some point of your live, you have to decide who you want to be.

I always knew who I was - which is someone who never saw colour or race but the actual person. I did make mistakes though but that's how you learn - by making mistakes. 

If he / she is a good person and they make you happy
That's all that matters
The more you're around different people, the more you'll begin to realize that you might actually have more in common with certain people who just happen to be of a different race or culture than you.

Now saying all of this, you do want to find someone who is just as accepting of you and your culture as you are of theirs otherwise the relationship won't work. You can't have only one person compromising in the relationship. 

The best way for people to accept your relationship is to educate them. Let them know that it's ok...the world won't end. They're humans just like you.

One last point - dating outside your race / culture DOES NOT mean that you hate or don't accept your own culture. If you find someone that loves you for you, then they will support you and your culture. 

Make a choice - Chose you and your happiness 

Remember - if you're honest with your partner from the get go and you know who you are as a person, you'll be fine. 
