Struggles with Shopping

Image result for struggles of shopping for christmas presents

I can't be the only one out there that's struggling to shop for my friends and family for Christmas. Every time I ask someone what they want, it's always the same - I don't want anything...or I don't know what I want...

So now it's up to me to figure out what they want and will use. I always try to get gifts that I know they will use and not throw away/ pack away and forget about it. If they can't figure it out, how will I?

To top it all off neatly with a bow, there's the struggle of budgeting as well...everything is so damn expensive out there (or anything that's worth buying)! And that's me shopping during the Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales!

Adding to the frustration are the December babies that I have to shop for - my dad, my fiance, and his  2 siblings!

It's scary thinking that I'm going to be struggling with this for the rest of my what the he**

Too many presents! Too little time!

Why did their birthdays have to be so close to Christmas??

On a side note, I do love Christmas and birthdays so the pain and struggles is mixed with happiness and glee.

I probably shouldn't be complaining about how close everyone's birthdays is to Christmas though, since mine is January 3... Guess I'm one of those people that I'm complaining about..opps. But hey, it's not my fault I was born so close to Christmas is it? Plus my birthday is in January not December! LOL ... I guess it's not their fault that their birthdays is in December either...

What do you get the people you love when they can afford and buy anything that they want?

It's the same for me too, I always get whatever I want so when it comes to presents, I don't know what to tell people to get me...

Oh the struggles...!

Nadia J.


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