2020 New Years

Happy New Years!!

Do you believe in making New Years Resolutions?

I personally don't make new years resolutions as I know myself very well and I know that I'm very apt to  changing things around a through out the year... I might get busy or come up with something to do that I like better...

I'm also a bit lazy ...lol after work, all I want to do is sit on the couch and watch TV and not do anything else. I like not having to use my brain sometimes...it's calming and relaxing.

This year however, I think I might make some for myself and hopefully I'll fulfill all of them.

I feel stronger and more at peace with who I am now than I ever have...I hope you can all look back in the same way and enjoy every moment of your journey. Having the Clarity of your thoughts and actions.

In the past, I didn't know who I was and what I wanted from Life...I'm still figuring things out. Its been a difficult but good process that I'm still working on and will always work on until the day I die.

I've been very lost in my past ... I didn't know who I was or where I was going... I thought I would be someone completely different than who I am currently am. I still have a very long way to go but I've also accomplished so much in my lifetime especially in the past 2 years!

List of my top Accomplishments:
  • Got the job that I worked and studied for (Doesn't sound like much but it was a major accomplishment for me)
  • Bought a car (It's a simple car but it's mine and completely paid for)
  • Met the man of my life
  • Got Engaged to that man 
  • Bought a home (Major achievement)

Things that WILL happen this year: 
  1. Planning a wedding / Getting Married 
  2. Looking for a new job that gives me the satisfaction that I am missing 
  3. Work on my blog more and make it more public ( No More being afraid of being embarrassed  or afraid of what others might think)
  4. Start Volunteering again
  5. Create a YouTube channel 
  6. Learn how to swim
  7. Work out more and get in shape & healthy
Have you made resolutions before... did you accomplish them...? 

Live, Laugh and Love forever!
Nadia J.


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