I Got a B12 Shot for the First Time—This Is What Happened

Vitamin B12 shots - The Good, The Bad

Has anyone ever tried B12 injections? 
When it comes to taking B12, which is better - supplements vs injections?

Before we get into that, lets understand why you would need to take B12 shots in the first place. Vitamin B12 is responsible for building DNA as well as for producing red blood cells. For a healthy functioning body, it is required as it's a major source of nutrients.

For people whose bodies struggle to absorb vitamin B12, some symptoms include:
  • Cognitive issues, including dealing with memory
  • Extreme tiredness
  • Depression
  • Frequent headaches
  • Problems maintaining balance; and
  • changes in vision
If you notice any of these signs, you should probably go to your doctor to have a test done.

Pros for taking B12 Shots:

  • Increase boost of energy
  • Treat a variety of conditions including ALS, and Alzheimers
  • Reduces Hyperhomocysteinemia (Heart Condition)
  • Effective for Macular Degeneration (eye disease)

Cons for taking B12 Shots:

  • It's not always the answer to increasing energy levels
  • There's no clinical evidence that B12 shots will help with weight loss
  • There's a risk of infection from the injection
  • Side Effects include: mild diarrhea, itching, rash, dizziness, difficulty breathing, congestion, chest tightness/ pain, swelling in the hands or feet, allergic reaction
 PS. A vitamin B12 injection is safe and rarely has any side effects as mentioned above.

I recently took the shot one week ago and thought I'd share with you my experience.

First off, I had a blood test done by my family doctor and was informed that my B12 and iron level was on the low side of the spectrum. I was recommended to take the shot, however I had decided to take the supplements first hoping it would work, especially to help increase my energy levels but after 2 months of taking my supplements, I didn't notice much change so I decided to do my research and found a wellness centre that administered vitamin B12 shots among other things.

I had the opportunity to sit down with a Naturopathic doctor who was very informative on reasons why my B12  was low including making me feel heard, taking the time to listen to my health story, and digging deeper through a thorough intake, physical exam and additional testing, to find out what is causing my health concerns. 

What I learned was that you should never take a B12 shot in the evening! My appointment was at 6:30 pm and because of the shot, I was up all night long. It took me a whole week to recover from missing one nights sleep which for me is pretty normal. If my body misses sleep, I basically become a zombie for a week. I'm now starting on week 2 but I have now notice that my energy level is not as low as it was before. It's actually risen and I have not experienced any side effects. My hand didn't swell up or hurt at all from the injection either which my ND (Dr. Tamar Ferreiradid) did warn me about. I was also recommended to have a shot every 3 weeks as that's about the time when the effects would wear off.

My personal verdict

While I did suffer for the first week, I do feel like a normal person with a normal energy level. I'm not over hyper or crazy energetic but I feel like a normal person.  The B12 shots isn't major life changing but maybe it isn’t supposed to be. Maybe it’s just balancing the chemicals on the inside so you can power through the week. I'm sure it'll be different for everyone.

Nadia J.


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