Life in the midst of a Pandemic - CV-19

How's everyone doing now that we're in the midst of a Pandemic? Does it feel like the world as we know it is about it end? Or is it just a normal day and the governments are overreacting? 

It definitely feels like doomsday is just right around the corner doesn't it? Especially as we prepare for the closure of schools, state emergencies and empty grocery stores (i.e no TP...LOL!).  Is everyone like me where they call their parents / kids everyday to make sure that they don't go out, have enough groceries and that they haven't caught the virus? 

Acknowledging the changes that's happening right now with this global situation is the biggest thing right now but with all that aside I'm definitely lucky that I still have a job and I'm able to work from home. To be honest, being in quarantine isn't hard for me at all as it's my normal everyday! Going out isn't normal for me as doing anything these days really costs money and the only way to save is to not spend your hard earned money. I find fun things to do around the house to keep me occupied such as watching TV, reading, writing my blog and most recently starting a YouTube channel. Doing all of these things really does take up my time when I'm at home plus I'm an introvert so being told to work from home is one of the best thing that could happen to me. I joke but I am a little grateful to be able to continue creating and adapt in the way that I have. I've been able to find my motivation with structuring my days and working as my normal day hasn't changed much other then instead of working from home 2 days a week, it's now 5  days a week. 

If anyone didn't notice, Spring was here on March 19th which was yesterday. It felt like it just came and went because my every thought has been surrounded by the virus. It truly felt like Spring today however with 17+ Degrees. It really brought me back to reality as I still need continue to live my life amid the virus. The world hasn't ended yet, it's just changed/ shifted a bit. Everyone still needs to believe in the goodness and brightness of the world and be THANKFUL  to all the nurses and doctors who are working tirelessly for us. They deserve the utmost respect.

Nadia J.


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